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When do you feel smart?

By Mehedi Shamim | 27 Jul, 2023

When do you feel smart?

A survey conducted by a group of people, targeting individuals from accomplished students to young adults-
The question was-‘When do you feel smart?’
the differences were striking. People with a fixed mindset said:

‘It’s when I don’t make any mistakes
‘When I finish something fast and it’s perfect
‘When something is easy for me, but other people can’t do it.’

It becomes clear that individuals with a fixed mindset equate feeling smart with achieving instant perfection. This rigid perspective allows for little opportunity for personal growth or learning, as it follows an all-or-nothing approach.

But people with a growth mindset said:

‘When it’s really hard, and I try really hard, and I can do something out.’
Or ‘I work on something for a long time and I start to figure it out.’

For them, it’s not about immediate perfection. It’s about learning something over time: Confronting a challenge and making progress.
It's about the journey of learning and progress. They understand that true growth occurs when faced with formidable challenges. Instead of striving for immediate perfection, they value the process of confronting obstacles, putting in effort, and gradually improving their skills.

The growth mindset fosters resilience, perseverance, and a willingness to step out of one's comfort zone. It emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, seeking new experiences, and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. Each challenge is viewed as an opportunity for personal development and a chance to expand one's knowledge and abilities.

