Recent Reading

How Starbucks Transformed Travis Leach's Life

By Mehedi Shamim | 04 Sep, 2024

How Starbucks Transformed Travis Leach's Life

I was waiting in one of my mentor’s offices at SEBPO office late in the evening. After finishing my usual work, we engaged in casual conversations at the office, touching on new ideas, books, and business concepts. As he got held up in a meeting, I had to wait for him in his office. I found a book called ‘The Power of Habit’ on his desk and started reading from chapter five. This chapter was about ‘Starbucks and The Habit of Success’. It seems that I have a tendency to dive into books from apparently random chapters that catch my eye.


In this chapter, I came across a character by the name of Travis Leach. His background painted a picture of a challenging childhood scarred by his parents’ struggles with drug addiction. The lack of a positive familial influence delayed his growth, earning him the label of a spoiled child. Travis’s early years were marked by deception, starting from a young age when he began lying to his own parents. 


By the time Travis reached sixteen, he had already made the decision to drop out of high school due to relentless bullying. The constant harassment and mistreatment he faced prompted him to seek a change by relocating. He took up jobs at places like a car wash, McDonald’s, and Hollywood Video, but his temperamental nature did not bode well for customer service roles. Instances of outbursts and emotional breakdowns were not uncommon for Travis, making it a struggle for him to hold down a job. 


It wasn’t until a chance encounter with a customer at Hollywood Video that Travis’s life took a turn. The customer, who saw potential in Travis, recommended him for a position at Starbucks, leading him to eventually become a barista at a new store. Over the years, through dedication and guidance from Starbucks' training programs, Travis transformed into a successful manager overseeing multiple Starbucks locations with a considerable staff and revenue under his purview.


By instilling in him crucial life skills and fostering a culture of discipline, Starbucks played a significant role in shaping Travis’s personal and professional growth. The company provided him with the tools to navigate challenges, manage his emotions, and exhibit unwavering willpower. For Travis and many others, Starbucks emerged as a beacon of learning and development, offering essential life lessons that traditional institutions may have overlooked. The impact of Starbucks' training programs extended beyond just professional success, influencing individuals like Travis to strive for personal excellence and resilience.  
