Living Library

Act together to live in a better place

By Mehedi Shamim | 21 Jan, 2023

Act together to live in a better place

In the Netflix documentary: Coronavirus Explained, Mr Bill Gates pointed out that the world spends a lot of money preparing for war. Military budgets are large, and new weapons get created. Coronavirus belongs right there with war, as something that we plan for. Researchers estimate there are around 1.5 million viruses in wildlife that they don’t yet know about. Any of those could be spilling over into the human population right now. 


For decades, these kinds of new viruses have been causing more and more outbreaks. Where we have got no drugs or vaccines. Consciousness and the human immune system can fight against any kind of pandemic viruses.


Experts believe after the outbreak, we will get a new world. Where supply chains will be local rather than global, shopping & entertainment will go online, home-bias will increase dramatically, Healthcare for all becomes more standard, Lifestyle will get a different shape, and more. Overall several positive changes will happen around the world.


This is the moment for all of us to rise to the challenge of collaborative leadership and work together to find pathways to emerge from this emergency with a community reset. People and nature must be at the centre of this deep transformation for redistribution, regeneration, and restoration. Prosperity for people and the planet is possible only if we make bold decisions today so that future generations can survive and thrive in a better world.
