Life on the run

Sneho solely concentrated in the mother and baby segment as an ode to all the mother figures in our life

By Mehedi Shamim | 08 Mar, 2022

Sneho solely concentrated in the mother and baby segment as an ode to all the mother figures in our life

We saw a natural boost of e-commerce due to the pandemic as nationwide lockdowns have been in place. E-commerce has been innovative and acquired extra market shares by giving consumers what they wanted, and women are a massive driving force behind this push for convenience. Initially, We started Sneho solely concentrated in the mother and baby segment as an ode to all the mother figures in our life. We wanted to gain the trust of mothers around the country before working with any other category. There needs to be a revaluation of responsibilities in family settings where both parents can contribute equitably. However, till then, Sneho's primary objective is to make life easier for working or stay-at-home parents. We deliver our products nationwide but plan to expand into other segments to be a complete 360° solution for families this year. 


During the pandemic's peak, there was a significant hike in prices of daily consumable goods and mothers were forced to compromise on their necessities to fit those of their families. Sneho entered the market at a similar time to this conundrum, and we tried our best to minimize margins, often keeping no margins at all, to eliminate this compromise. I believe our customer loyalty from day one resulted in an average 57% customer retention rate, one of the highest in the market, month after month.


Here is the detailed story of Sneho-

